
The State University of Londrina offers undergraduate programs in all areas of knowledge. All are free of charge and last from four to six years. It is worth remembering that most of UEL activities are carried out in Portuguese.

UEL offers 53 undergraduate degree programs in all areas, from arts to physics, from economics to medicine, which are organized in nine centers.


Admission Methods for Undergraduate Programs at UEL


The main admission method at UEL is the Vestibular exam, conducted in two phases – the 1st and 2nd phases. Applications open at the beginning of the second academic semester. UEL has conducted over 75 Vestibular exams.


The Exchange Program for Undergraduate Students (PEC-G) offers foreign students the opportunity to pursue undergraduate studies at Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (IES). This contributes to the internationalization of participating institutions and the dissemination of Brazilian perspectives worldwide. UEL has participated in PEC-G since 1994 by admitting international students through supplementary vacancies


Through the Unified Selection System (Sisu), UEL offers vacancies in some courses. To participate in the selection process, it is necessary to have taken the National High School Exam (ENEM).

Indigenous Vestibular

The Indigenous Peoples’ Vestibular in Paraná is directed at students from indigenous communities in the state, who can apply to the seven State Higher Education Institutions (IEES), with UEL being one of them.

Degree Holders

Remaining vacancies from the Vestibular selection process may be offered to holders of higher education degrees.

Undergraduate Programs


Program/Course: Accounting

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Applied Social Sciences

Contact: colegiadocontabeis@uel.br


Program/Course: Agronomy

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Agrarian Sciences

Contact: agronomia@uel.br

Architecture and Urban Studies

Program/Course: Architecture and Urban Studies

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Architect and Urbanist

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Urban Planning and Technology

Contact: colarqui@uel.br

 Archival Science

Program/Course: Archival Science

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Education, Communication and Arts

Contact: colarq@uel.br

Biology – Bachelor

Program/Course: Biology – Bachelor

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: CCB – Centro de Ciências Biológicas

Contact: taniaklein@uel.br

Biology – Teaching

Program/Course: Biology – Teaching

Length: 4 years

Award granted:  Teaching degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: https://sites.uel.br/ccb/

Contact: taniaklein@uel.br


Program/Course:  Biomedicine

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Biological Sciences

Contact: biomedicina@uel.br


Program/Course: Biotechnology

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Physical Sciences

Contact: colbiotec@uel.br

Business Administration

Program/Course: Business Administration

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Applied Social Sciences

Contact: colegiadoadm@uel.br

Chemistry – Bachelor

Program/Course: Chemistry

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Physical Sciences

Contact: colqui@uel.br; academica.cce@uel.br

Chemistry – Teaching

Program/Course: Chemistry

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Teaching degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Physical Sciences

Contact: colqui@uel.br; academica.cce@uel.br

Civil Engineering

Program/Course: Civil Engineering

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Civil Engineer

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Urban Planning and Technology

Contact: coleng-civil@uel.br

Computer Science

Program/Course: Computer Science

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Physical Sciences

Contact: colcc@uel.br

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Program/Course: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Physical Sciences

Contact: colcdia@uel.br


Program/Course: Dentistry

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Dental Surgeon

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Health Sciences

Contact: odontologia@uel.br


Program/Course: Economics

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Applied Social Sciences

Contact: col.economia@uel.br

Electrical Engineering 

Program/Course: Electrical Engineering

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Electrical Engineer

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Urban Planning and Technology

Contact: coleng-eletrica@uel.br

English Language and Literature 

Program/Course: English Language and Literature  

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: English is the language of instruction for most English Language and Literature Program. However, some courses are conducted entirely in Portuguese.

Study Center: Languages and Humanities

Contact: deptlem@uel.br /colegiadolem@uel.br

Executive Secretariat

Program/Course: Executive Secretariat

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Applied Social Sciences

Contact: colegiadosecret@uel.br

Fashion Design

Program/Course: Fashion Design

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Education, Communication and Arts

Contact: : dmoda@uel.br

French Language and Culture

Program/Course: French Language and Culture

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: French is the language of instruction for most French Language and Culture Program. However, some courses are conducted entirely in Portuguese.

Study Center: Languages and Humanities

Contact: deptlem@uel.br /colegiadolem@uel.br

Geography – Bachelor

Program/Course: Geography – Bachelor

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: CCE – Centro de Ciências Exatas

Contact: colarq@uel.br

Geography – Teaching

Program/Course: Geography – Teaching

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center:CCE – Centro de Ciências Exatas

Contact: colarq@uel.br

Graphic Design

Program/Course: Graphic Design

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Education, Communication and Arts

Contact: designgrafico@uel.br


Program/Course: History

Length: 4 ½ years

Award granted: Teaching degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Languages and Humanities

Contact: colhis@uel.br


Program/Course: Journalism

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Education, Communication and Arts

Contact: col_jornalismo@uel.br


Program/Course: Law

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Applied Social Sciences

Contact: colcesa@uel.br

Library Studies

Program/Course:  Library Studies

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Study Center: Education, Communication and Arts

Contact: colbib@uel.br

Mathematics – Bachelor

Program/Course: Mathematics

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Physical Sciences

Contact: colmat@uel.br

Mathematics – Teaching

Program/Course: Mathematics

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Teaching degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Physical Sciences

Contact: colmat@uel.br


Program/Course: Medicine

Length: 6 years

Award granted: Physician

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Health Sciences

Contact: colmedicina@uel.br


Program/Course: Music

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Teaching degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Education, Communication and Arts

Contact: mut@uel.br


Program/Course: Nursing

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Nurse

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Health Sciences

Contact: colenfermagem@uel.br


Program/Course: Nutrition

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Health Sciences

Contact: colnutri@uel.br


Program/Course: Pedagogy

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Teaching degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Education, Communication and Arts

Contact: coordenacaoped@uel.br

Performing Arts

Program/Course: Performing Arts

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Courses are conducted entirely in Portuguese

Study Center: Education, Communication and Arts

Contact: mut@uel.br


Program/Course: Pharmacy Studies

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Pharmacist

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Health Sciences

Contact: colfarmacia@uel.br


Program/Course: Philosophy

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Teaching degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Languages and Humanities

Contact: colfilosofia@uel.br

Physical Education – Bachelor

Program/Course: Physical Education – Bachelor

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Applied Social Sciences

Contact: colcesa@uel.br

Physical Education – Teaching

Program/Course: Physical Education – Teaching

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Applied Social Sciences

Contact: colcesa@uel.br

Physics – Bachelor

Program/Course: Physics

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Physical Sciences

Contact: academica.cce@uel.br; colfisica@uel.br

Physics – Teaching

Program/Course: Physics

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Teaching degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Physical Sciences

Contact: academica.cce@uel.br; colfisica@uel.br


Program/Course: Physiotherapy

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Physiotherapist

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Health Sciences

Contact: colfit@uel.br


Program/Course: Psychology

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Psychologist

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Biological Sciences

Contact: psicologia@uel.br

Portuguese Language and Literature

Program/Course: Portuguese Language and Literature

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Teaching degree

Language of instruction: Courses are conducted entirely in Portuguese

Study Center: Languages and Humanities

Contact: colletras@uel.com.br

Public Relations

Program/Course: Public Relations

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Education, Communication and Arts

Contact: colegiadorp@uel.br

Sociology – Bachelor


Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Languages and Humanities

Contact: colsociais@uel.br

Sociology – Teaching


Length: 4 years

Award granted: Teaching degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Languages and Humanities

Contact: colsociais@uel.br

Social Work

Program/Course: Social Work

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Bachelor’s degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Applied Social Sciences

Contact: colcesa@uel.br

Spanish Language and Hispanic Literature

Program/Course: Spanish Language and Hispanic Literature

Length: 4 years

Award granted: Teaching degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Languages and Humanities

Contact: colegiadolem@uel.br

Veterinary Medicine

Program/Course: Veterinary Medicine

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Veterinarian

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Agrarian Sciences

Contact: veterinaria@uel.br

Visual Arts

Program/Course: Visual Arts

Length: 4 ½ years

Award granted: Teaching degree

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Education, Communication and Arts

Contact: colegiartes@uel.br


Program/Course: Zootechnics

Length: 5 years

Award granted: Zootechnician

Language of instruction: Portuguese

Study Center: Agrarian Sciences

Contact: zootecnia@uel.br