
Study Centers & Departments

Department of Agronomy

Department of Veterinary Clinic

Department of Preventive Veterinary Medicine

Department of Food Sciences and Technology

Department of Zootechny

Department of Administration

Department of Accounting Sciences

Department of Economic Sciences

Department of Private Law

Department of Public Law

Department of Social Service

Department of Anatomy

Department of General Biology

Department of Animal and Vegetal Biology

Department of Physiological Sciences

Department of Pathological Sciences

Department of Histology

Department of Microbiology

Department of Psychology and Psychoanalysis

Department of General Psychology and Behavior Analysis

Department of Social and Institutional Psychology

Department of Visual Arts

Department of Information Science

Department of Communication

Department of Design

Department of Education

Department of Music and Theatre

Department of Medical Clinic

Department of Surgical Clinic

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Department of Nursing

Department of Physiotherapy

Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Department of Oral Medicine and Children’s Odontology

Department of Restoring Odontology

Department of Odontology (Basics)

Department of Pediatric Studies and Surgery

Department of Pathology, Clinical and Toxicological Analysis

Department of Physical Education and Sports

Department of Social Sciences

Department of Philosophy

Department of History

Department of Modern Foreign Languages

Department of Classic National Languages

Department of Physical Education

Department of Sports Sciences

Department of Human Movement Studies

Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Department of Computing

Department of Statistics

Department of Physics

Department of Geosciences

Department of Geology and Geomatics

Department of Mathematics

Department of Chemistry

Department of Urban Planning and Technology

Department of Architecture and Urbanism

Department of Electrical Engineering

Department of Civil Construction

Department of Structures