Sustainable Development Goals

The Integrated Portal of UEL aims to gather and present sustainable development initiatives carried out by students, faculty, staff, and the administration itself. Serving as a research tool, the portal distributes its content based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda.

Bringing together content related to more than 125 research and outreach projects, such as reports, videos, social media links, and coordinator contacts, the Integrated Portal also consolidates guidelines for significant sustainability actions implemented by the administration on the University Campus in recent years. Notable among these measures are the Environmental Management Program – UEL Recycle, the Solid Waste Management Plan, and actions aimed at preserving fauna and flora and energy efficiency.

The Integrated Portal aims to reach the community, representing what UEL already does alongside many important partners: the Commercial and Industrial Association of Londrina (Acil); the City Hall of Londrina; the Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Higher Education (Seti); the Government of Paraná; and funding partners such as Finep (Funding Agency for Studies and Projects), Araucaria Foundation, and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).

When discussing sustainable development, many people still think only of environmental actions. However, for each Sustainable Development Goal, there are five or six targets. Thus, the validation of the highlighted projects on the Portal is indicated by the faculty member, showing that the project is fulfilling a target within that goal.