Sports & Fitness

Since 1998, UEL’s Physical Activity Program (NAFI) has integrated the University’s Physical Education Center with the university community (students, faculty and staff), as well as the greater community. This integration occurs through actions in the field of physical exercise related to health, accompanied and guided by teachers and academics of the center’s courses. NAFI is also the training center for the Physical Education degree program, as well as post-graduation programs in the field.

Through NAFI, UEL aims to:

Contribute to the promotion of the population’s health through the practice of physical exercise

Offer to the university and external community a guided physical exercise program through the practice of different modalities of physical activities.

Integrate the University’s Physical Education Center with professionals enrolled in areas of physical education and sport through the promotion of information regarding physical exercise related to health.

Provide subsidies for the professional training of academics enrolled in physical education and sport courses of UEL in the field of physical exercise related to health

Contribute to the development of human resources by offering a voluntary internship, aiming to provide academic and professional experiences to academics enrolled in physical education and sports courses.

Offer teachers the opportunity to develop strategies directed at innovative teaching methodology, concentrating techniques and content.

Promote sporting events of interest to the university and external community.

Belly dancing
Rhythmic gymnastics

Activities are offered each semester

Water aerobics
Running and walking
Ballroom dancing
Muay thai