
Projeto com idosas desmitifica tabu de que exercício físico tem limite de idade –
CTU inaugura maior câmara climática do país para ensaios com materiais de estrutura – Com mais de 100 metros quadrados, a Câmara será usada para ensaios com materiais de estrutura –

The Graduate Studies and Research Office (PROPPG) is responsible for the articulation and management of research and postgraduation activities at UEL. For the fulfillment of its aims, PROPPG comprises a Research Division, a Postgraduate Studies Division and a research support unit. PROPPG manages a variety of institutional programs for the development of research and graduate studies, encourages research in multiuse laboratories, guides the process of revalidating foreign diplomas and contributes to UEL’s international insertion. Additionally, it also supports scientific journals such as Semina and the Committees of Ethics both for Humans and Animals Research.

Undergraduate students have the opportunity to work in research projects advised by our professors and researchers. For this, there are two programs: Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program and Institutional Program for Technological Initiation and Innovation. Part of the students receive scholarships from the federal or state government or from the university financial resources.

Graduate programs provided at UEL include Lato Sensu (Specializations, Residencies) and Stricto Sensu (Masters, Doctorate, Post-Doctorate). Furthermore, a wide variety of research projects are developed in all research fields, linked to UEL’s professors and hundreds of research groups officially recognized by CNPq (the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).

UEL comprises more than 250 research laboratories which also host and support scientific research, post-graduation and teaching. Most of them are directly connected to the study centres and departments, while others are part of the Multiusers Central of Research Laboratories (CMLP).  The CMLP offers a centralized infrastructure with large equipment intended for shared use.
