
Technological Innovation Agency

The Technological Innovation Agency of the State University of Londrina (AINTEC) was established on April 17, 2008, by University Council Resolution No. 065/2008, in compliance with the Innovation Law (Law No. 10.973/2004).

In 2008, AINTEC incorporated UEL’s International Technological Business Incubator (INTUEL), created in 2000; the Intellectual Property Office (EPI), created in 2003; and the TechnologyIn 2008, AINTEC incorporated UEL’s International Technological Business Incubator (INTUEL), created in 2000; the Intellectual Property Office (EPI), created in 2003; and the Technology Transfer Office (ETT), also created in 2003 by the Graduate Studies and Research Office (PROPPG).

AINTEC aims to manage UEL’s Innovation Policy, identifying, protecting, and transferring creations generated at the university to society and the market, as well as meeting technological demands.

Currently, AINTEC’s four units, the International Technological Business Incubator (INTUEL), the Intellectual Property Office (EPI), the Technology Transfer Office (ETT), and the Design Office (EDN), develop actions in collaboration with UEL and its partners to transfer knowledge and technology to society, resulting in innovations while meeting social and market demands.
