Community Well-being

University Restaurant

The University Restaurant has the purposes of guaranteeing food and nutritional security, providing balanced food to the entire university community, collaborating in the development of scientific research, maintaining a close relationship with the community in order to provide opportunities for constant improvement and acting as an agent on the student retention policy and the institution’s human resources policy.

The restaurant opened in 1998, being responsible for the areas of nutrition and food safety. It operated, until 2014, in an area of 1,566.11 m² with 240 seats. In 2015, the university expanded its physical structure to 3,919.69m² and included 750 available seats distributed in 185 tables and 6 specific places for wheelchair users.

Service Hours
From Monday to Friday
Lunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Dinner from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


Social Services

Daily Social Attendance

Daily social attendance is provided at SEBEC for the entire university community, aiming to assist users seeking guidance, referrals, and benefits offered by UEL and the external community. This is the moment when individual needs are identified for subsequent planning, formulation, and implementation of projects, acting collectively on the presented demands.

Social Support

Individualized support and follow-up for social situations to address the social needs presented by the student and their family.

Project to guide students in entering the job market, with the aim of creating income alternatives during their time at UEL.

Psychosocial support for students with mental health demands.

Support and guidance for families of students in cases of death.

Offering internship opportunities through scholarships for Social Services Undergraduate students.

Participation in studies to create the Program for Support to Access and Retention for UEL Student Training, which aims to improve the dissemination of the institution’s admission process and the conditions for student retention.


Promotion of Public and Institutional Policies

The Mental Health Section participates in university forums with the objectives of developing, promoting, and monitoring policies related to student assistance, mental health, education, and human rights. It focuses on policies addressing social violence such as racism, sexism, misogyny, sexual and gender-based violence, social and economic inequalities, and affirmative and inclusive actions for minority populations, including indigenous people, black people, gays, lesbians, transgender, and women. Current participation includes the following Committees:


University Committee for Indigenous People (CUIA)

Participation in CUIA, in partnership with SEBEC’s Social Service Division, contributing to the development and execution of social and psychological assistance actions for UEL’s indigenous students. Participation occurs through CUIA’s ordinary and extraordinary meetings to organize work and monitor students, case discussions with specific faculty, coordination of CUIA, activities with the indigenous student group, and individual and group support for students, including monthly home visits for students with greater social, economic, or health vulnerabilities.

Committee for Prevention of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (CLCH)

The committee aims to organize educational activities and approaches to support and monitor cases in the prevention and confrontation of sexual and gender-based violence within the UEL community.

Working Group for Proposing Policy on Prevention and Confrontation of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence at UEL

This group aims to propose an institutional policy for welcoming and supporting complaints of violence occurring at UEL and for supporting and assisting victims of sexual and gender-based violence.